Snow Shoes
Snowshoes Enable Unparalleled Adventures
Snowshoeing offers a fantastic opportunity to appreciate the stunning snow-laden landscapes throughout the winter season. These footwear help disperse your weight across a broader area, preventing you from sinking deeply into the snow, thus allowing you to reach places that would be quite challenging to access with ordinary hiking boots. Whether it's expansive fields, undulating hills, or steep inclines, the right snowshoes make these paths attainable. Besides reconnecting with nature, it provides a remarkable fitness experience that is affordable and straightforward.
Understanding Snowshoes
Snowshoes essentially serve as platforms for your feet, amplifying the surface contact to lessen the extent of sinking into the snow. Modern snowshoes have evolved significantly from the traditional wooden frames and rawhide laces. They are now lighter, more robust, and come with features such as crampons (metal teeth) for traction on icy snow, and adjustable bindings for a secure fit. So, leave your old-fashioned snowshoes above the fireplace and explore our contemporary range.
Choosing the Right Snowshoes
The snowshoes you select should correspond to your weight, prevailing snow conditions, and the gradient of the terrain you intend to navigate. Each snowshoe model specifies a maximum load capacity, which you should adhere to. This "load" encompasses your body weight plus all clothing, footwear, and gear you will carry during your snowshoeing excursion.
When deciding between multiple models, consider the snow conditions. For areas with deep powder, snowshoes with a larger surface area offer better performance as they "float" more effectively. For hilly terrains, features like heel lifts and extended toe and heel crampons are beneficial for climbing, but these are typically available on advanced mountaineering snowshoe models.
Bear in mind, unfavourable weather is merely a result of insufficient attire. Dress suitably for the outdoor conditions. Review the weather forecast, don your most comfortable winter boots, and wear appropriate layering. Consider carrying a backpack that accommodates an extra layer and other essentials such as sun cream, water, snacks, and a first aid kit. Feeling unprepared? Visit our Apparel Category to discover snow gloves, snow trousers, snow jackets, and more!
Cross-country skiing is another activity that traverses many of the same trails as snowshoeing. To learn more, explore our section on Cross Country Skis & Cross Country Skiing Equipment.