Freeskate Gear & Accessories
Cones for Skating and Additional Freeskating Equipment
Freeskating is an enjoyable style of skating focused on moving swiftly through cityscapes. As your interest in the sport grows, you will probably wish to acquire some freeskate accessories to enhance your setup. Within this category, you'll discover a vast selection of inline skating accessories that meet all your freeskating requirements.
A crucial skill every freeskater should master is the art of slalom. Here, you'll find several slalom cones uniquely constructed for skating purposes. These cones boast durability and sufficient weight to prevent easy breakage, making them ideal for urban settings.
Additionally, you'll encounter products here intended to optimise your comfort. Footies and booties, for instance, offer added cushioning around your feet and ankles, significantly reducing blister risk.
As with any skating activity, it is advisable to don suitable Protective Gear to guard against unpleasant injuries.